Wisdom for Your Graduate

Wisdom for Your Graduate

profile picture of Meghan Byrem

Meghan Byrem

Graduation season is upon us.  It is so exciting to see the next wave of young adults finish up high school and prepare for the next phase of life.  This time is so bittersweet as parents get ready to send their child to college, a trade school or work.  It’s a time of hope and new beginnings.  Yet, there is apprehension in the air as parent prepare to step back from their hands on role and hope they did enough to help their children navigate life. I want to encourage you as you encourage them to step into adulthood and make their way in this world.

New Beginnings

I can only imagine all the things going through your mind as you take this next step in your relationship with your child.  My children still have a few more years at home.  However, I can relate to stepping into new beginnings. As a military spouse, we transition to new places and environments every few years.  It’s almost like we graduate to new jobs and locations over and over again.  So, I understand the challenges of leaving what you know and the uncertainty of the next phase. 

It takes a lot of faith to trust God in the process.  We are currently preparing for our next move.  I am going through things and trying to organize all that we might need for the upcoming year.  While doing this, I came across a letter that my brother wrote me when I was in college.  Memories came flooding back to my college years.  Even though we were miles a part during that time, he spent a lot of time pouring into me spiritually.

Feed Their Spiritual Life

He sent letters of encouragement and chastisement, but also sent me worship music, sermons, and little gifts to cultivate my spiritual heart.  I was rebellious and living like a rock star, but I didn’t belong to the world.  I belonged to Christ and He knew this.  In my naivety, I was skirting the line with my soul.  I am so thankful that he along with my family and friends, stood in the gap and engaged in fighting the spiritual battle for me.  

Fighting the Unseen Battle

I am so grateful for the words of wisdom in that letter.  His mentorship was instrumental in reminding me of who I was in Christ.  You see, there is coming a battle for your precious child’s soul.  You have spent years preparing them for the world.  Teaching them, loving them, and training them for the journey ahead.  You have gone through some challenges, but you have walked through them together.

Now, they are going to be challenged and pulled in all different directions.  Much of your time will be spent in prayer.  Praying for the known and unknown struggles they will experience. I know that my parents and family covered me in prayer continually as I walked between living for God and living for myself.  I made many unwise choices and experienced deep pain, but I was never without support and encouragement to get back on track spiritually.  So, help your graduate have a plan and encourage them constantly. This is not a time to leave their spiritual health to chance.  

Cultivating a Godly Environment

Your home has been a safe place for your graduate to find love and support.  Now it’s their turn to cultivate the atmosphere in their dorm room, apartment, or home.  Just like we curate the feeds on our social media, they can curate their life and spaces.  They choose the people, places, and activities to which they will dedicate their time.  Pray they will make wise choices as they take on the responsibility for their future. 

Encourage them to: 

  1. Get in the Word of God.
  2. Cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus.
  3. Choose their friends wisely. 
  4. Be a part of the Body of Christ.
  5. Guard their mind.

And remind them of who they are in Christ.

  1. Created in God’s image.
  2. Made for God’s Glory.
  3. Heirs with Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up this next generation of believers.  I ask you cover them in your grace and goodness.  Continue to draw them to you and place a hedge of protection around them.  Grant them wisdom to make good choices and help them to be quick to repent when they sin.  Lord, protect their minds as they mature and keep them from being deceived and seduced by darkness.  Help them recognize truth and discern destructive lies.  May they be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  Put in them a hunger for your word and a deep desire for holiness.  May they be a light to those around them as they reflect the love of Jesus.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Enjoy the summer!  Be strong and courageous as you encourage your child to live out their faith. God bless you as you soak in the last bit of time with your soon to be adult. It’s a great day for a beautiful day! 

If you haven’t been following my Wisdom for Parenting Series, you can catch some of the other blogs here.