It’s a Great Day for a Beautiful Day

It's a Great Day for a Beautiful Day

profile picture of Meghan Byrem

Meghan Byrem

Several years ago, my oldest son and I started a little ritual on our way to his preschool. I would ask him, “What’s today?” He would answer, “A good day for a good day.” We did this several times. Soon, he was replying with more enthusiasm. Some days, he would say, “It’s a good day for a great day” or “It’s a great day for a purple day.” (If you have ever used a behavior color chart, you will understand the importance of purple. It is the highest color a child can achieve at the end of a school day, earning them rewards.) Then, he would respond with, “It’s a great day for a beautiful day.” That phrase stuck more than the others. So, we went with it.

It’s a Mindset

I have kept this little tradition up with all three of my boys. We giggle a little as the phrases change from time to time. My oldest seems to keep with his favorite phrase, and my youngest follows suit. My middle son loves to be silly, and he generally interjects some potty language into the mix. However, we correct the phrase to a positive one before he exits the car. I do this for a couple of reasons:

  1. I am their #1 fan.
  2.  They are capable of making good decisions.
  3.  No matter what kind of day they had the day before, today is a new day with new possibilities.
  4.  And their mindset in the morning impacts the rest of their day.

This simple phrase prepares them for much more; it is a mindset.

This simple phrase not only applies to my children but also to you. You may need to know that God loves you. Not just any god, but the living God wants a relationship with you. You may need to know that his mercies are new every day. That even when we mess up, He forgives us when we repent. You could be struggling with what the bible says and how it relates to the culture around us. Wherever you are, God wants to invite you into a relationship with him. He’s your #1 fan. The best way to get to know him is to read his word and pray.

It’s so simple, yet it’s so hard!

My heart is to encourage you, bring hope, and challenge your worldview. As a Christian, I believe in the power of God’s written word to reveal timeless truths. The scripture is rich in wisdom and knowledge that leads to a fulfilling life. We may stumble on the way, but that’s okay. My favorite part about scripture is that God uses imperfect people to do miraculous kingdom-impacting things.

So you see, it’s a great day for a beautiful day!